Saturday, August 30, 2014

Bee Nice

A few of my favorite bee and bee fly shots :)
Cute lil bee fly

 Bee in prickley pear cactus bloom

 Love the pink, orange, and green hues

 Soft focus is almost ethereal
This bee fly had beautiful patterns and colors on its wings

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Desert Snow

A few photos I took today of some of our beautiful white flowers here at the Springs Preserve

 Glossy Abelia
Allium tuberosum, Garlic Chive flowers
Allium tuberosum, Garlic Chives
 Rain Lily
 Still researching this one :)
 Greek Myrtle
 Texas Olive flowers
 Blackfoot Daisy
Gaura lindheimeri

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Springs Preserve Friends

Mid-August photos at the Springs Preserve in Las Vegas
Pencil cactus bloom
 Antelope ground squirrel
 Cute little green bee

Common brown butterfly on a desert marigold

Orange skipperling butterfly

  Robber flies in love ;)
Bird of paradise flowers

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Mt Charleston Excursion

It seemed like a good time to escape the heat of Las Vegas and spend some time at Mt Charleston. Perfect weather and two major blisters as we completed a 3 mile hike. Low to mid 70s and a perfect day to enjoy the mountain.

 At the beginning of the Cathedral Rock trail
 My son conquering nature
 I'm still smiling, Must be before the blisters started.
 The trees were gorgeous with the hint of a cool breeze blowing through the leaves.
 Up and above
 Love the color and texture of this old tree. I found out that a lightning strike spiraled down the trunk of this tree causing the unusual texture.
 1.5 miles later. Gorgeous.
 Wonderful view and perfect day
 One of several wildflowers
Mojave poppy

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sock Monkey Caboodle

Took a few days off and got around to sewing a few new friends.

Troi Singes

Thursday, August 14, 2014

This little fellow came out pretty darn cute. He is the first sock monkey I've made with 
 a belly button! :)Athos

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Summer Desert Flowers

 Texas olive Flowers
 Grass Flower
 A night blooming cactus waiting for evening to open
Compass barrel cactus bloom

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Please Reduce and Recycle

These were taken at the Springs Preserve in Las Vegas after a day of heavy rain washed trash and plastic bottles into the flood channel that runs along the preserve. The remains end up in the Preserve’s Cienega where all kinds of wildlife make their home and take refuge in the heart of Las Vegas. Remember to please reduce trash and recycle.


Monday, August 4, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

Wow! I like this 100mm lens

A friend of mine let me borrow his 100mm lens this morning. I usually use the 18-55mm lens that came with my Canon EOS Rebel T3 so this was quite a treat.

 Banded Gecko
 Aloe Bloom
 Apache Plume
 Juvenille black widow
Red yucca flower