Thursday, October 21, 2010

Spirit Monkey

I decided to show some love for Spirit day and craft this cute little purple monkey!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I had grand plans of making tons of Halloween monkeys and have not yet because of my inability to manage my time very well. What a loser! I did manage to make a monkey from this nifty pair of striped socks that I really like though. Jomo is sporting a lime green scarf and bright orange hat. It's kinda fall-ish really!

Jomo is available here

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Edd and Matching Monkey Wear

Yay! First complete sock monkey and matching life-size hat and scarf.  Available here

I think this came out soo cute!! A little kid walking around with his or her monkey and hat/scarf combo would just kill me. I hope this works out well for my struggling etsy shop.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Monkey Twins Powers Activate!

What cute little monkeys! Here is my Daughter modeling a fanciful fleece hat that matches her sock monkey's hat!  My next marketing plot- Matching monkey wear!

Hopefully I will be able to finish some sets of monkeys and life size versions of their hats and scarfs that can be worn by their adventurous owners and post them to ye ol' etsy site this weekend.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Monkey Line Up

These guys are so much fun to make! I just wish I knew how to promote them better on Etsy...


More Fleece fun! I am thinking about doing matching life size scarves and hats in the future. I think it would be a fun gift for children. :)