Thursday, October 7, 2010

Monkey Twins Powers Activate!

What cute little monkeys! Here is my Daughter modeling a fanciful fleece hat that matches her sock monkey's hat!  My next marketing plot- Matching monkey wear!

Hopefully I will be able to finish some sets of monkeys and life size versions of their hats and scarfs that can be worn by their adventurous owners and post them to ye ol' etsy site this weekend.


  1. Hey these are great, good luck to you! I know what you mean trying to promote yourself and sell on etsy is a task, but keep trying!....I just keep plugging away myself and hope someday to be noticed too. Many Blessings to you, Jaja

  2. Thank you so much for the comment! It really helps to receive feedback and encouragment!

    So far, Ive posted two monkeys with matching, life-size hat and scarfs. We shall see how it goes...
