Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Negative Sun

We were expecting snow in the Las Vegas Valley today, but so far there has only been a brief flurry. Regardless it is still plenty chilly! Brrr!

 The sun was making a vain attempt at coming out today and looked more like the moon
 Some poor plants became plantcicles :(
 This kinetic garden art came to a stand still when the water froze
 Just another wednesday for this gila in his temperature controlled habitat
Cienega trail walk was beezy and brisk

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Fiery Winter

The temperatures have dropped, but flowers still bloom here at Springs Preserve in Las Vegas :)

 One of my all time favorites, the blanket flower, continues to bloom

 Some leaves still hanging on and showing some interesting colors against a grated fence

Friday, December 19, 2014

Springs Trail Walks

Anytime I go for my walks here at the Springs Preserve and think I won't find anything else to photograph I'm wrong. :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Las Vegas Winter

Cloudy and 52 degrees for the high today. I put on my coat and managed to get a few shots today on my morning walk.

 Desert cottontail bunny
 Close-up bunny
 Nice shot of our sidewinder and that awesome rattle
 Dune evening primrose
 Some gorgeous fall colors in December
Chocolate flowers- in bloom and faded

Friday, December 12, 2014

A Storm's a Brewing

Some rain is back for the day, but mostly threatening storm clouds. Here are some shots along the Cienega trail at Springs Preserve today.

Old water derrick
 The water reflecting the darkness of the skies above
 Seeds catching the winter wind
 Fluffy :)
 A few fall trees along the trail
A burst of fall color always looks nice against the grey sky

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Warm Winter Wednesday

Perfect weather with a high of 64 degrees. This is what we Las Vegans live for. :)

 Blue Plumbago flowers
 Alyssum flowers have a beautiful fragrance
 Surprised to see several painted lady butterfliews still active in the gardens
 I love seeing the bees roll about in the blanket flowers
 Still researching these unusual pink flowers
Beautiful golden daisies

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Sunny Saturday

The clouds have cleared and the desert is enjoying the sun :)
 I love the sidewinder horns
 Crimson Flash
 Blanket flower
 Bee warming itself in the sun
 I love the textures of leaves

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Rainy Day Wednesday

Enjoying one of the rare cloudy days and light misty rain today at Springs Preserve in Las Vegas :)

 Love the red edges on these green leaves
 Beautiful colors of the agave
 Cute hummingbird all puffed up
 Red cabbage with rain droplets
 Such great textures and contrasts
 Spring Mound House
 Beautiful fall colors
Cienga trail

Friday, November 21, 2014

Thursday at Springs Preserve

Just another Thursday on the job...

 Sidewinder rattlesnake
 Kangaroo rat napping
 Barrel cactus in the sun
 Fluffy fall plants
One last flight