Thursday, February 26, 2015

Flower Power

Snow on the mountains and 49 F on Monday, but almost 70 F and sunny today. Crazy Vegas weather! :)

 Cherry Blossoms

 Pink flowers...still looking for a name for these beauties

Western Pygmy Blue

 Little purple daisy

 I can't get enough blanket flowers!

 Happy bee

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Excited to see these tiny Western Pygmy Blue butterflies flitting about the Springs Preserve! 

 Pink penstemons

 The apple blossoms get more beautiful everyday

 Shield bug

 Apricot blossom


Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Every week brings a few more blossoms to the Springs Preserve gardens making me and the bees a little more happy. :)

 Purple pinwheel center 

  Purple pinwheel flower

 Happy honey bee and blanket flower

 Honey bee close-up

 Beautiful bright orange mum

Pink penstemon flowers are popping up all over

Wavy daisy

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Perfect Walking Weather

The Springs Preserve doesn't get much better for walking then today. Perfection!

 Lots of yellow flowers

 Spider in the afternoon

 Side-blotched lizard enjoying the sun


Steel cactus sculture

Late afternoon made this leaf look beautiful

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Pre-Spring Fling

Feeling giddy as I see plants begin showing signs of life as they prepare for an early spring

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Promise of Fruit

The Springs Preserve fruit trees and vegetable plants continue to show signs of life with pretty blossoms and the promise of fruit.

  Apricot blossoms

 Pea plant blossom

 Apple blossoms

Pretty sparrow with a splash of red

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Friday, February 6, 2015

Spots of Color

Little spots of color popping up and dotting the usual brown of the Springs Preserve's winter landscape. It feels good.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday Jam

Wednesday Pics! The temps will be in the 70s in Las Vegas this week. Everyone should take the opportunity to enjoy the sun before it starts burning our faces off in a couple of months. :)

 Aloe striata buds

 Aloe striata plant

 Pretty purple flowers that I still need a name for...

 A honey bee thoroughly enjoying these broccoli flowers

 Fuzzy seedlings

 Spiny lizard duo

Make a wish