Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Leopard Geckos Growing Up

Siren and Valor have grown quite a bit in the last couple of weeks. Siren's dark brown bands are fading and is starting to show some spots on her tail. Valor is slightly smaller and has not shown any dramtic changes except for the aapearence of a few black spots here and there. Both are shedding and eating well. I have really come to adore these little guys!

                                         Valor sitting on my hand

                                         Siren's handsome profile

                                          Valor blending nicely on the chess board

                                         Confident Siren

Monday, April 7, 2014

Leopard Geckos!

Well, I'm officially gecko crazy. I went and bought two leopard geckos this weekend and I'm in love! 
The tangerine gecko is Siren and the high yellow (black & gold) is named Valor after the bright white V on his head. They are not quite a month old and I can't wait to see their colors evolve as they mature!